Thursday, February 3, 2011

Can't contain the Lowlbeast...

While I always try to kick ass and take names, like any good dps, it has not always been this way for Critchickens. Laughed at for nearly three expansions, only truly coming into our own as a viable hybrid dps in Wrath. Now I know there were the few in BC that made it through but as a whole we were laughed out of 5 mans and raids. I only had a spot in guild because I was the master respecer. There were days I respec'd 3 times to help out guildies. My personal record was 6 respecs in a day, and I was every spec twice. So thank you Blizz for finally getting something right and giving us duel-spec... but by God what I wouldn't give for a third and fourth spec. Now if only they'd make it so i could change how Moonkin Form looks by changing my hair color like cat and bear. Okay enough bitching from me.

Everytime I try to do something different I always come back to the featherball spec. I can't get enough, even if I can't out dps a tank I love it. Blizz got their claws into my head and heart and now I'm stuck. My hatred for healing is well known by my friends and guildies, they know I will bend over backwards, tank in crappy gear, heal from my balance spec when the healer dies, but my role will never be healer again. But I rolled two other toons and had them maxed in WotLK and they are now maxed in Cata, and much to my surprise they are both melee classes, a Rogue (because for some damned reason I can't kill a rogue to save my life) and a Death Knight (yes I play the class for 13 year olds, but he's a NE so he's a mature 13 yr old, not a 7 yr old Worgen) and how I love them both. But neither compare to my Thunderclucker in sheer excitement.

What class has got you by the nose?


1 comment:

  1. "What class has got you by the nose?"

    Gnome Warriors! (No, not really.) Um, I'm going to have to go out on a limb here and say, Holy Paladins...
